The Audax Club Parisien has sole global authority to recognize certifications. All brevets that have taken place since 1921 have been registered in chronological order under their recognition number (homologation).
The brevets (exams) are open to all cyclists, whether they are members of a club, association or association. Minors are admitted on condition that they produce parental consent, which absolves the Audax Club Parisien and the organizing organizations from any responsibility and liability. All driving devices are permitted that are propelled exclusively with muscle power.
In order to conduct a certification, each competitor must complete an application and pay a fee, the amount of which will be determined by the organizer.
Every participant must be insured for liability, either through an association or through their own private insurance (note: most risk insurance policies do not cover the insured event when participating in organized events that are subject to payment).
It applies to every participant that he is on a personal trip, he must observe the StVO as well as any official signage and must use existing cycle paths. Neither the ACP nor organizing associations can be held responsible in any way for accidents that may occur at a certification.
When driving at night, the wheels must be equipped with permanently attached front and rear lights, which must be switched on at all times (a double light source is recommended). The organizers refuse to start any participant whose lighting is not in accordance with the rules. Each participant is obliged to switch on the light when it gets dark. This also applies if visibility is insufficient, for example in the rain or fog. Even in the group everyone has to drive with their lights on. Light-colored clothing and reflective armbands are recommended at night, while wearing a reflective safety band or vest is mandatory. Any violation found will result in the non-recognition of the brevet.
Each randonneur must provide for everything that the implementation of his certification requires. No service of any kind by trainers, grooms, support vehicle is allowed on the route outside the checkpoints (secret control is possible). Participants who act contrary to this will be excluded without revocation. Each participant has to be correct in appearance and posture.
At the start, each participant receives a route map and a route plan on which a certain number of checkpoints are entered, where the participant must have the route map stamped. The organizers may also provide for one or more secret controls. The participant has to keep to the course that he receives at the start.
If the organizer does not specify a precise control point, the randonneur must have the control point stamped (with the name of the dealer, the gas station, etc...). If this should also be impossible (night check), then a postcard must be sent to the responsible organizer (stating the place, day and time of passage, with name, first name, club). In addition, in the intended control field of the route map "CP" to be entered, the day and time of posting. The time must be entered for each check, as well as the day for brevets longer than 24 hours. Missing a stamp, a time or the loss of the card (regardless of the distance) withdraw the non-recognition of the brevet after itself.Every participant has to check his route map personally.
The times given for each certification depend on the length: 13:30h (200 km), 20h (300 km), 27h (400 km), 40h (600 km) 75h (1000 km). Arrival at each control point must be between the opening and closing time of the point shown on the route map. The randonneur must respect the intervening time periods in order not to jeopardize the recognition of his brevet, even if he has ridden within the time limit overall.
Any fraud will void the participant's disqualification from all ACP organizations.
Upon arrival, each participant must sign their ticket and give it to the organizer. After homologation, it will be returned. If the document is lost, no duplicate will be issued. Since these brevets do not represent races, there is no classification. Competitors whose certification card has been homologated can purchase a special medal, but must specifically request this. The amount is to be paid when handing over the route map at the destination.
The medals that certify a successful certification are bronze (200 km), silver (300 km), silver/gold (400 km), gold (600 km) and silver (1000 km). The design is changed in principle in the year after PBP. The price of the medals will be announced by the organizers of the brevets. Super Randonneur: an award given to randonneurs who have successfully completed series 200, 300, 400 and 600 km certifications within the same year. a medal (PBPyear) about this award is given to the randonneur who applies for it to the organizer of the brevets. To do this, he must give him his brevet number and pay the amount of the medal.
A brevet cannot be carried out in whole or in part at the same time as another kilometer test (long-distance drive).
With the participation in a brevet and its start, the participant fully accepts the present rules. Any action or complaint, regardless of the reason, must be submitted in writing to the organizers within 48 hours. They check these and forward them with their opinion to the Commission of Randonneurs of the ACP for examination and subsequent decision.
The Comite Directeur of the ACP settles the case presented as well as disputes which the present settlement would have neglected. An objection to this is excluded.